The treatment of cervical chondrosis's at home

Cervical chondrosis

One of the most common and delivering constant discomfort disease is cervical chondrosis, so the treatment at home this disorder is a very hot topic. The initial stage of degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs – chondrosis – in most cases asymptomatic, and provides all the risk: late detection and delayed treatment may lead to compression of blood vessels and circulatory disorders of the brain. That's why everyone should have at least a superficial notion of how to detect and treat cervical chondrosis yourself.

Causes and symptoms

Early chondrosis of the cervical spine were found predominantly in the elderly. Today, more often the disease is diagnosed in young people who spend long time at the computer and office static works.

In the presence of cervical chondrosis's people can disturb:

  • Pain in the neck that radiates to the shoulders;
  • Tinnitus and floaters in front of eyes;
  • Dull headaches and regular dizzy;
  • Crunch and "fits" in the cervical spine;
  • Instability of blood pressure;
  • "Lump" in throat when swallowing;
  • Poor sleep;
  • General weakness and constant fatigue.

Treatment at home

Of course, in acute pain you should immediately contact the medical facility. But experienced patients, having learned long ago all of the symptoms don't always do it and eventually master the skills of first aid and practice to the treatment of cervical chondrosis's at home. The doctors after examination and diagnosis can tell you how to treat chondrosis back at home, if the disease is in advanced stage. Most of the methods are quite simple and effective.


The painful symptoms of cervical chondrosis''s sometimes unbearable to endure, and if we talk about the headache, its presence is unacceptable. For quick relief of symptoms in the home medicine Cabinet must be:

  • Analgesics (baralgin, analgin);
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ibuprofen);
  • Chondroprotector (rumanol, alflutop, chondroxide).

Any of the above painkillers can be purchased over the counter without a prescription, but that doesn't mean STO is not need expert advice regarding their application.

To relieve inflammation and to prevent cerebrovascular disease can be used remedies. Well such as a warming ointment finalgon voltaren, capsicam.

Folk remedies

There are many methods of treatment based on traditional medicine. Some of them are quite popular, as they help to eliminate pain and improve metabolic processes in the cervical spine over a relatively short period of time. Unfortunately, completely cure chondrosis folk remedies will not work – only needed a holistic approach.

Options compresses and ways to grind:

  • Express-a poultice of burdock or cabbage. Apply the cool sheet at the location of the pain, once it becomes easier.
  • Potatoes RUB on a small grater and mix with the same amount of honey. To relieve inflammation and pain enough to hold the compress for 10-15 minutes a couple times a day.
  • A good way to warm – mustard with honey. The neck area should be spread with honey, put mustard plaster and plastic wrap. This compress it is advisable to do it every day before bed during the week.
  • Red hot pepper has anti-inflammatory and warming effect. The vegetables should be finely chop and combine with 100 grams of aloe, 200 grams of honey and a glass of alcohol. In a day you can already use the tool: to do this, soak in a solution of clean gauze and apply to the inflammation. It is recommended to keep the compress until you feel a strong burning sensation.
  • The crushed petals of clove mixed with olive oil and keep for half an hour in a water bath. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and RUB before going to sleep sore spot.
On the location of the pain effective compresses and rubbing

Medicinal tinctures:

  • 1 teaspoon pre-dried and crushed celery boil for 5 minutes in a liter of water. Then the mixture needs to steep for a day. Drinking a teaspoon before meals.
  • The crushed root and bark of barberry pour the alcohol in a ratio of 1: 10 and infuse for weeks. Ready means strain and take 30 drops 20 minutes before meals.
  • 3 tablespoons of ground parsley seeds pour a liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Broth strain and drink ½ Cup with each meal.

Source of calcium

How to cure cervical chondrosis known to the older generation, which in the preventive purposes recommends the adoption of the shell of normal eggs. This product is 90% composed of calcium carbonate, which once in the body, is digested and has a positive effect on bone quality. Recipe of folk medicines is very simple: hard-boiled eggs to get the shell separated from the inner side of the white film.

Dry the shell to grind in a coffee grinder and drinking on the tip of the spoon, put out with lemon juice.
Eggshell as a source of calcium Self-massage

Self-massage can be used in any environment, both at home and at work during lunch break. Just a couple of minutes holding it normalizes blood circulation, decrease pain and improve well-being, and with regular procedures it will turn out to stop the processes that destroy cartilage inside the spine.

The man took a seated position at the table, putting his elbows on the table, and in turn by the lobes of the fingers of one or the other hand concerns the areas of the neck. Now warmed muscles can more heavily influence clicks using the edge of the palm and the phalanges of the thumb. In the area of the pain syndrome must be run with the fingertips, adding a light tingling. To massage need to feel the heat in the back of, usually to the neck area enough for 5-8 minutes. To complete the process you need to caress her neck.

At home perfect massage from folk medicine using rolling pin or regular glass bottle. Take the "simulator" in the right hand and postukivanie on the right shoulder blade in the spine, then repeat the same for the left side. Another version of the massage yourself, lie down on the rolling pin and scissors, massaging the painful part of the back.

Very well, if the first massage session will take place under the guidance of an experienced specialist. Anything heavy in it, but still has its own identity. For example, kneading of the neck with his fists do not facilitate, but on the contrary, would exacerbate the pain.

Massager with vibration

Therapeutic massager with vibration for the cervical spine is a unique device that works not worse than the massage itself. It can be bought in any specialized store of medical equipment, but before you commit to a purchase, you should consult with your specialist.

Physical therapy

Exercises for the neck at home is the ideal way to not only reduce pain during exacerbation, but also to avoid it altogether. Just need to do the following complex on a regular basis as a morning or evening workout:

  1. Exactly standing or sitting on a chair (so comfortable), begin to make a circular motion clockwise, then counterclockwise. Each approach for 2 minutes.
  2. Occupying the same position as in the first exercise, slowly tilt the head forwards, backwards. Then do the tilt head to the left and right side.
  3. Try as high as possible and smoothly lift the shoulders up, leaving the body without movement. Hold in this position for 30 seconds and return to starting position. These 15-20 approaches.
  4. Put your palm on his forehead so that all finger tips except the large, touch, push and slowly dissolve them in the parties. To maximize circulation, the exercise was repeated with the temporal part of the head.
  5. Keeping a level head position, pull the neck all the way back, retracting the chin. After 5 seconds return to the starting position, sitting relaxed on the chair. Perform 5-10 repetitions.

Chondrosis neck – a disease which is not treated in one day. Therefore, the above set of exercises should be performed continuously, gradually increasing the number of sets and reps. Thus, the neck muscles will be trained to become stronger and fitter. And the probability of new episodes of pain with each new lesson will decrease. Accordingly, any deviation from the schedule – a step back to headaches.


Any disease is better to prevent than to treat it. To reduce the likelihood of developing cervical chondrosis's should:

  • Eat well. You need to create a complete and balanced diet. The daily menu should include a sufficient amount of protein foods (meat, fish, dairy products). You also need a regular serving of fresh vegetables and fruits, which after digestion in the spinal discs dissolve salt deposits. Special attention should be paid to mode drinking water: rate of adults in pure non-carbonated water – 2-2,5 liters per day.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Daily time outdoors, Hiking or Cycling, practice preventive sport (swimming, Pilates, yoga). Categorically not to lift weights, and if it is impossible to avoid this, distribute the load evenly in both hands, trying not to overload the back.
  • Always the correct position of the body. The habit of keeping a level posture it is necessary to develop as children. During a long stay in the same position should take breaks to warm-up. During sleep, a comfortable and correct position will help to observe a special orthopedic mattresses and pillows.