author Petra Hermes

Petra Hermes


  • Why do the joints of the fingers hurt, causes and treatment, concomitant diseases and symptoms. Pain syndrome only in the right or left hand, diagnosis, treatment methods.
    5 November 2023
  • pain in the right side gives back Pain in right side radiating to back: the cause of the Pain in my side has never been the messengers of good weather or unexpected good luck. Basically they're saying that people...
    10 January 2019
  • Pain in the lower spine, i.e. in the lower back, is one of the most frequent complaints when referring to the doctor. The greatest burden falls on the lumbar in comparison with the other regions of the spine, the lower back is subjected to injuries.
    17 November 2018
  • Why is a sore lower back in women can identify only a competent specialist. And in some cases postponing a visit to the doctor with back pain can even be fatal. Pain in the lumbar region of the back appears more than 15 different violations of the female body.
    18 September 2018
  • The human body is one, and the back may hurt for a reason completely unrelated to the condition of the bone tissue. It can be old injuries, surgeries, diseases of internal organs, infection, inflammation, stress, lifestyle and professional overload.
    30 August 2018